Thursday, July 19, 2012

Only His Grace

I have also been reading devotionals from a website created around Oswald Chamber's book, "My Utmost For His Highest".

Should Christians be proud?  We focus on what other people think about us and not what God thinks of us.  God sees us who have been born again as His children and He is proud of us.  But if we acknowledge how unworthy we are in God's sight, we are telling God that it is impossible for Him to redeem and claim us as His own.  How dare we tell the Lord that He is wrong.  We are not to use humility as a selfish tool to have people respect us or think how Godly we are.  We are Godly only because of Christ and His work on the cross for us. By the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain . . . —1 Corinthians 15:10

Sunday, June 24, 2012


I really need your help right now.  We are not to live on feelings and I seem to have a problem doing that.  You know Peter is preaching tonight and you also know how protective and proud my parents are.  But I know that we are supposed to praise You for all that You have done through our lives.

Mom seems to think that it is okay to hurt us and punish us for not having the things my other brothers have.  Your will for my life is not to have children.  I've accepted that, so now my parents need to accept that.  I don't know why you haven't provided a job for me yet, but I also know that I am to trust You for everything.

You did not call us to live carnally.  We are to be different from the world and that is what Libby and I are trying to do by your strength.

I pray that my parents would quit playing these games and accept Libby and I for who we are despite the lack of material things.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Luke 14:26  If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Pastor has reiterated this principle numerous times.  We love ourselves.  When we are recognized for our achievements, we naturally become proud of our accomplishments.  What we need to remember is who gave you the talents to accomplish these things, God did.

I am beginning to realize that just because God's will for someone is different from His will for me, it doesn't mean that God has more favor toward that person than I.  That, folks, is partiality.  God's love is impartial.  He loves us all the same.

God wants us to serve Him with our whole heart.  We have to die to ourselves, and not only to ourselves but to anything that might distract from Him working in our life.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

In Touch Daily Devotional

In Touch Daily Devotional

This is one thing that I have struggled with for so long.  For those that have trusted Christ, shouldn't we be living by the Spirit and not by the law.  Don't get me wrong, I believe that we should follow the Word of God, but if we add to what the Bible says by our own opinions, isn't that saying that there is something more we have to do to obtain God's favor?  That is just silly.  Once Christ has forgiven our sins, then we have already been accepted by Him.  If we think that we need to add more, then we need to look at our relationship with Christ.  Are you truly saved or trying to work for your own salvation?

Believe me, guilt robs you of your joy and peace.  If we firmly believe that we have been accepted by Christ when we accept his free gift of salvation, then we don't have to worry about how much we should do to please God.  We should want to do these things out of love and obedience to Him.  Guilt just wears us out.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

In Touch Daily Devotional

In Touch Daily Devotional

Once again, I am reminded that if I want true success then I need to follow God's plan instead of mine.  He keeps reminding me of Jeremiah 29:11, " For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  I just wish I could get beyond this fear of the unknown, but that is what faith is.  The secret is to stay in God's Word and trust Him every day because He knows what is best for me.

Friday, June 1, 2012

In Touch Daily Devotional

In Touch Daily Devotional

Success.  What success?  With me not working, I am missing the greatest opportunities to start succeeding God's way.

Here I am sulking about how bad life is right now when I could be going somewhere alone talking to the Lord and learning more about Christ.  Now that I think about it, the Lord has given me many things to thank Him for.  I have my health, He is providing for us even with one income, Libby and I have a roof over our heads, and, most importantly, I have been freed from the bondage of sin.

In the end, whatever worldly possessions I have now are going to simply vanish away.  Things I do for the Lord are going to last.