Sunday, June 24, 2012


I really need your help right now.  We are not to live on feelings and I seem to have a problem doing that.  You know Peter is preaching tonight and you also know how protective and proud my parents are.  But I know that we are supposed to praise You for all that You have done through our lives.

Mom seems to think that it is okay to hurt us and punish us for not having the things my other brothers have.  Your will for my life is not to have children.  I've accepted that, so now my parents need to accept that.  I don't know why you haven't provided a job for me yet, but I also know that I am to trust You for everything.

You did not call us to live carnally.  We are to be different from the world and that is what Libby and I are trying to do by your strength.

I pray that my parents would quit playing these games and accept Libby and I for who we are despite the lack of material things.

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