Saturday, June 9, 2012

In Touch Daily Devotional

In Touch Daily Devotional

This is one thing that I have struggled with for so long.  For those that have trusted Christ, shouldn't we be living by the Spirit and not by the law.  Don't get me wrong, I believe that we should follow the Word of God, but if we add to what the Bible says by our own opinions, isn't that saying that there is something more we have to do to obtain God's favor?  That is just silly.  Once Christ has forgiven our sins, then we have already been accepted by Him.  If we think that we need to add more, then we need to look at our relationship with Christ.  Are you truly saved or trying to work for your own salvation?

Believe me, guilt robs you of your joy and peace.  If we firmly believe that we have been accepted by Christ when we accept his free gift of salvation, then we don't have to worry about how much we should do to please God.  We should want to do these things out of love and obedience to Him.  Guilt just wears us out.

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